perjantai 19. joulukuuta 2008

Underwater Christmas tree

Vetokannas, Porkkala

Dive date: 4.12.2008
Water: 10m +3c
Rig: drysuit, 2x7l 300b, reindeer horns, x-mas tree, blinking lights...

Divers Night was celebrated with underwater x-mas tree, including waterproof lights and star.

tiistai 2. joulukuuta 2008

Blizzard diving

Tiilijärvi, Hollola

Dive date: 23.11.2008
Water: 8m +2c
Rig: drysuit, 10l 300b

Finland witnessed the worst snowstorm in 40 years. We were diving.

My old gymteachers immortal words:

"There is no such thing as bad weather. There is only inadequate gear."